Cyber signatures = Social change?

Posted: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 by Kathryn McConnachie in Labels: , , , , , , , ,

Last week’s post looked at the problem with petitions as a form of digital activism. The issue of perpetuating an ethos of ‘slacktivism’ or armchair activism has come up many times, and so far the picture painted of online activism has been somewhat grim. Surely there are ways in which the online platform can be harnessed successfully to drive social change?

Care2 is one activist website which seems to have the right idea. Founder and CEO of Care2, Randy Paynter, staunchly defends the efficacy of online petitions in particular. Following the spread of email petitions in the late 90’s, Paynter started in 2000 as a way to better channel all the energy and good intentions that were being lost in cyberspace. The website functions as a central repository for signatures with added fraud prevention and the assurance that the petitions will be delivered to the relevant authority figures. Paynter states: “We created a tool that has forced politicians, businesses and organisations large and small to face the power of their constituents”.