Celebrities and strategically placed bunnies
Posted: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 by Kathryn McConnachie in Labels: animal rights activism, celebrity culture, extremist, facebook, pamela anderson, petaFor anyone who knows me, you were probably surprised that I didn’t find some way of turning last week’s post about the Julius Malema issue into an animal rights issue. Fear not! This week I’m back on my favourite topic: animal rights activism.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) get a lot of flack. Rarely can I hand out one of their cute “I’m not a nugget!” stickers without being asked if I subscribe to the organisation’s extremist tactics. Well to be honest, I do and I don’t.
PETA is extremely inventive in the way in which they approach their different campaigns. They are often in the news for either bearing all on sidewalks or for throwing red paint on fashionistas who dare to wear fur. Their online campaigns are equally controversial and often feature scantily clad celebrities posing in cabbage leaves or holding a strategically placed bunny.